St Andrew’s Parish Questionnaire

St Andrew’s Parish Questionnaire

In 2018, Bishop Don Sproxton established a team focused on ‘Parish Formation and Renewal’.  Its main goal is to assist Parishes in the Archdiocese to develop a Strategic Plan and move the Church forward.

For this to happen, we need your help!

We need to know what we are doing well as a Parish community and more importantly, what we could be doing better or what we are not doing at all and probably \need to introduce within our Parish.  We need information to inform our plan, and that is where you come in.

As you leave Mass this weekend, you will be given a questionnaire to take home, complete and return to the designated box at the back of the Church the next time you attend Mass.

It takes about 5 minutes to complete, and the data you provide will be essential in moving us forward as a Parish community.  Alternatively, you can use your mobile phone to scan the QR code included with this article or displayed around the Church, which will take you straight to the questionnaire.

If you require any further information regarding this matter, then you can approach any member of the Parish Council.  Unless you choose to identify yourself, the questionnaire is completely anonymous.

Thank you for taking the time to consider this initiative and may God bless you all!