SAC Thanksgiving Mass – Sunday, 10th December 2023

This weekend at the Sunday 9am Mass we welcome Fr Joseph Figiel SDS (Provincial Leader of the Polish Province) and Fr Adam Ziolkowski SDS (Provincial Secretary of the Polish Province), who are visiting the Polish Salvatorian Region in Australia. They will celebrate the Thanksgiving Mass with us.


The Thanksgiving Mass, followed by the light lunch is to say THANK YOU to ALL the parishioners who volunteer in our parish those on the Parish Pastoral Council, Social & Fundraising Committee, Finance and Liturgy Committees. Parishioners who serve in the all various ministries and groups such as Altar Servers, Readers, Extraordinary Ministers, Acolytes, Catechists, St Andrews Care carers, St Vincent de Paul volunteers, Morning Tea Groups, Piety Stall organisers, Craft group, cleaners, choir members, Altar/flower arrangements, and all who look after the Church grounds and gardens. Your service and time given in our Parish is greatly appreciated. May God continue to bless you.


Prayer for Volunteers

Everlasting God, strengthen and sustain all those who volunteer in our parish, that with patience and understanding they may love and care for your people, and grant that together they may follow Jesus Christ offering to You their gifts and talents. May your Spirit guide them and renew them in all that they do. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen