JEDO Workshops – 16 & 23 February 2023


Workshop Flyer (pdf)

Over two workshops, the 2022/23 Social Justice Statement from the national bishops, ‘Respect: Confronting Violence & Abuse’ will be explored. The first workshop will prayerfully discern the learned behaviour of gendered crimes, considering the drivers and enablers of violence and abuse (including structural and cultural) and outline those most vulnerable or at risk to victimisation, as well as to offending. With our counter-cultural role model of Jesus, the Prince of Peace, central to our discussions, the second workshop will focus on capacity building for respectful relationships. The Safeguarding Program resource, ‘A Pastoral Response to Domestic Violence’ will also be explored to further support our shared vision for respect, dignity, justice, transformation and hope.


When: Thursdays 16 – 23 February, 9:30am – 11:30am

Suggested Cost: Free of Charge (2 sessions)

Presenter: Mrs Carol Mitchell (Director – Justice, Ecology and Development Office (JEDO)  

 Location: Newman Siena Centre (Clune Lecture Theatre)


For Further info or to register, please visit, call 9278 0261 /0425 543 335 or email