Since 2020 , Social Justice Sunday has been celebrated on the last Sunday of August. Previously it was celebrated on the last Sunday in September.

All Social Justice Statement 2022-23 Resources can be found here

Respect: Confronting violence and abuse points out that the roots of domestic and family violence
“lie in the abuse of power to control and dominate others” and that “this stands in contrast to the relationships to which God calls us”.

Our relationships should be “marked by equality and reciprocity rather than domination and violence,
respect and freedom rather than coercion and control”.

We support women in calling for respect in relationships; their lives and those of their children are sacred.

The statement, released on 3 August, 2022, forms the centrepiece of Social Justice Sunday celebrations on 28 August.


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Read more about Social Justice here.

Safeguarding_A Pastoral Response to Domestic Violence (pdf)