Greetings St Andrew’s Parish Adorers
We will be hosting our Adoration Gathering on Friday, 23rd February (following the 3:00-4:00pm Adoration session) in the Church.
This will give us the opportunity to meet fellow Adorers (who may or may-not attend your hourly timeslot), discuss suggestions or raise any concerns you may have, and to share in a cup of tea/coffee (light snacks provided). Kindly RSVP to Carla, Joan or Beryl at
We look forward to seeing you on the day.
Kind regards & Blessings
Beryl Rahman (PPC Secretary and Eucharistic Adoration Coordinator)
Friday Adoration
A warm invitation is extended to you All to join our Adoration Team at a hourly hour timeslot that suits you, between the hours of 8:30am and 9:00am on Friday(s) (except for when special arrangements have been made by the Parish to accommodate for other Parish events – these events will be advertised in the Parish weekly Newsletter).
You are invited to attend Adoration on an ad-hoc basis or as a regular Adorer at a timeslot that suits you. Should you wish to become a regular Adorer, please feel free to approach Joan Jackson , Carla Cicolini or myself (Beryl Rahman). You may make contact via email to and a Team member will be in touch to discuss your preference with you.
For our regular Adorers, kindly remember to sign-in to the weekly Sign-in Sheets located in the blue folder in the church foyer. This will help us gauge the attendance numbers, to ensure we have adequate cover for each Adoration session. A friendly reminder that should you not be able to attend your timeslot for any given reason, kindly make contact with your Team Leader and they will provide adequate cover to ensure that the Blessed Sacrament is never left alone.
God Bless+
Beryl Rahman (PPC Secretary and Eucharistic Adoration Coordinator)
‘Could you not watch with me one hour’ (Matthew 26:40)
Eucharistic Adoration is the practice of praying before Jesus in the form of the Eucharistic host. The host is exposed in a special vessel known as a monstrance.
At St Andrew’s Parish Eucharistic Adoration is offered every Friday 8.30am – 4pm to the Parish Community for regular attendance (1 hour time slots) as well being open to anyone who wants to come and spend time in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament.
During Eucharistic Adoration you are invited to pray in all sorts of ways; Meditative Prayer, Contemplative Prayer, silent conversation with Jesus, praying the Rosary, prayer journalling, reading Sacred Scripture or even just simply sitting and soaking up God’s love in the presence of Jesus.
We are urgently seeking regular Adorers to sign up for 1 hour time slots. Please contact one of the team: Carla 0422 705 677, Joan 0408 882 052 or Beryl at
ADORATION Prayer (video)
“Jesus awaits us in this sacrament of love. Let us not refuse the time to go to meet him in adoration, in contemplation full of faith, and open to making amends for the serious offenses and crimes of the world. Let our adoration never cease.”
Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi before the Blessed Sacrament
“We adore You, O Lord Jesus Christ, in this Church and all the Churches of the world, and we bless You, because, by Your holy Cross You have redeemed the world.“
Prayer for the Spread of Perpetual Adoration
Heavenly Father, increase our faith in the Real Presence of Your Son Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist.
We are obliged to adore Him, to give Him thanks and to make reparation for sins.
We need your peace in our hearts and among nations.
We need conversion from our sins and the mercy of Your forgiveness.
May we obtain this through prayer and our union with the Eucharistic Lord.
Please send down the Holy Spirit upon all peoples to give them the love, courage, strength and willingness to respond to the invitation to Eucharistic Adoration.
We beseech You to spread Perpetual Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament in parishes around the world.
We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord. Amen
Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament
Help us to spread the glory of Your Son through Perpetual Adoration.
Pope John Paul II Eucharistic Adoration
Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament
O Virgin Mary, Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament, the glory of Christians, the joy of the universal Church, and the hope of the world, pray for us. Kindle in all the faithful a lively devotion to the most Holy Eucharist, so that they may all be made worthy to receive Holy Communion every day.
Pray for us, O Virgin Immaculate, our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament.
That the Eucharistic Kingdom of Jesus Christ may come among us!