4 day RETREAT – This WEEK (@ St Andrew’s Parish Clarkson)
An all-new Parish Mission Event presented by Bruce Downes – The Catholic Guy, will be held at St Andrew’s Parish during Lent in 2024.
Come along to four inspiring sessions that will take you on a life changing journey.
Be Changed… Be Renewed… Be Inspired.
Commencing Monday, 11th March until Thursday, 14th March 2024.
There will be two opportunities to attend on each day (8:30am and 7:30pm)
Mass being celebrated prior to the start of the event (at 8:00am and 7:00pm).
Free Admission (there will be a collection taken up after each session).
We encourage you to please take some flyers home with you and distribute them out to family & friends.
LENT 2024 (The Catholic Guy – Bruce Downes Ministries) Why do we give something up for LENT? (The Catholic Guy – Bruce Downes Ministries)