World Elder Abuse Awareness Day_15th June 2023



This is a good day to revisit the Australian Catholic Bishops’ Social Justice Statement for 2016–17 ‘A Place at the Table: Social justice in an ageing society’. It celebrates the value, dignity and significant contributions of older people to the life of the community. In solidarity with all generations, older people have a rightful place in the heart of community life. The Bishops consider the circumstances of those who are approaching the end of their lives and warn of the loneliness, ageism and abuse that older people can experience. In particular, the Bishops warn about implications of the current community debate on euthanasia. The Bishops call for communities of mercy and love – where people reach out and minister to vulnerable older people, where bonds between generations are built up, and where no one is cast as being a burden or as rivals to younger generations.



A Prayer for all Ages 

                                                                                                                       God of all creation, you are timeless and beyond all ages.                                                                                                                                                    We who are growing old give thanks for the years you have given us – for family, friends and all those who have enriched our lives.

We who are not yet old give thanks for the older people in our lives:  for grandparents,  loved ones, friends and all who generously offer the wise counsel of their years.

We who are growing old pray that we may be patient with our ageing limbs and difficulties in everyday tasks we once did much more easily.
We who are not yet old pray for patience and kindness towards those who do not move as quickly as we would sometimes like.

We who are growing old pray for good health in our later years, and forbearance when our health fails us.
We who are not yet old pray for good health for those we love and compassion towards those who suffer ill health.

We who are growing old pray for prudence and sweet timing, in offering our wisdom to the next generation, while respecting their energy and creativity.
We who are not yet old pray for openness and humility in receiving the advice and guidance of our elders.

We who are growing old pray that we may face our death with serenity and dignity.
We who are not yet old pray that we affirm the sacredness of each person’s life and accompany those who are dying with gentleness and deep respect.

God of endless love, help us to understand that we share a common life journey, a call to live life to the full and to strive to enable all creation to come to the fullness of the Cosmic Christ.
